Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 11, 2016

Lizard facts you had no idead about until now

Let's along with us find out the following lizard facts you had no idead about until now and other animal facts

  • There are some species of Lizards with very small legs or have no legs. They are often mistaken though for a type of snake. One way to tell is to look for eyelids and to see if you can find external ears. If those physical characteristics are found you will be able to identify it as a Lizard.
  • Lizards are able to smell by tasting the air around them. This is why they are often seen with their tongues going in and out at a rapid pace.

  • For the most part Lizards aren’t dangerous. There are two species though that have a dangerous venom. They are the Gila Monster and the Mexican Beaded Lizard.
  • The largest species is the Komodo Dragon. It can grow to a size of up to 10 feet. The smallest species are just a couple of centimeters long.
  • It is possible for the teeth of a Lizard to be replaced throughout their life. There are a few species though that don’t do this.
  • There are some species of Lizards that have the ability to squirt blood out of their eyes. They have horns and they are able to squirt blood for a distance of up to 4 feet. This is a way for them to be able to defend themselves against predators or when they feel there is any type of threat to them. Do you want to check out our long and rich source of tigers facts in your spare time?
  • Lizards are able to conserve water by excreting salt. When water is in short supply they will do this often and have a white reside on the body.
  • The Gecko is the only species of Lizard with vocal cords so they are the only ones that can make sound. The other species all use body language as a way to communicate with each other.
  • There are more than 5,600 different species of Lizards around the world.
  • There is evidence that Lizards have been on Earth for more than 200 million years. It is believed that some of them used to be as large as the dinosaurs.

  • The Chameleon is able to change the color of the body. This allows it to have a method of hiding from predators as it will blend into the surroundings.
  • Lizards live everywhere in the world except in Antarctica.
  • Lizards grow for their entire lives. They will shed their skin when they need to grow more.
  • All species of Lizards are cold blooded creatures.
  • Lizards enjoy spending time basking in the sunlight.
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