Named after the Roman goddess of love, Venus is anything but lovable. This planet is nearest to Earth. It is also about the same size as Earth. But that’s all the two planets have in common. Venus’s surface is thick with carbon dioxide. This gas traps heat from the sun, making the planet unbearably hot. Venus is 900 degrees or more
All about Venus, nearest planet to Earth. It is also about the same size as Earth.
A Venus day is the equivalent of 243 Earth days, although a year is roughly 225 Earth days.
Venus rotates in the opposite direction—called retrograde rotation—of most planets.
Venus has more volcanoes (more than 1,600) than any other planet in the solar system. Most lie dormant.
Thick clouds of sulfuric acid swirl around Venus. Sulfuric acid is a powerful acid that can melt just about anything it touches. The acid is as powerful as the acid found in a car battery. Imagine trying to breathe on Venus. Yikes!
Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love.
Fun Facts about Venus for Kids
Venus is sometimes called the morning or evening star. Look for it at dusk or sunrise. It looks like a large, red star.
This inhospitable planet has a molten core made of iron and metal like Earth. It has over 100,000 volcanoes. The largest volcano is over 5 miles high.
Huge cracks and crevices cover some parts of this planet’s surface.
Venus has no moon.
Venus rotates in the opposite direction of Earth. The sun rises in the west and sets in the east.
One day on Venus is as long as 117 earth days.
The word planet is from the ancient Greek word πλάνητης, planets, which means a wanderer, because they move through the stars, which seem to be fixed in the sky. This movement is because the planets are all orbiting around the sun.
Posted by amazingsciencemysteries
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